JC Gibbons Success Story

Our company looked outside of the box to serve new industries and found great success.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We innovate to lead the industry and to serve our customers:http://ping.fm/IX...

J.C Gibbons: Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center SUCCESS STORY

J.C. Gibbons (J.C.), in Livonia, Michigan, manufactures precision screw machine and CNC products. The technical knowledge of its skilled staff has ensured the highest quality product since 1959. J.C. Gibbons can take a prototype job and move it into low or high volume production without ever leaving its facility. A robust ISO9001:2000 program is the driving force behind J.C. Gibbons’s quality system and provides assurance that each job is made in a reliable, consistent manner. Statistical Process Control (SPC) data is analyzed at the shop floor level daily in order to manufacture quality parts. This ensures a better, more consistent product for customers. With all of these strengths firmly in place, J.C. Gibbons Vice President, Jeff Gibbons, was ready to expand his company’s reach beyond the...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Steel Prices Rising

The demand of steel is a good economic indicator of a country building infrastructure, but a high volume market with ever increasing prices due mostly to developing countries, can and will slow demand on manufacturing. Steel is the foundation for building development; in the pilings, foundations, and is heavily used in transportation and general manufacturing. During post WWII when Japan was restructuring and the United States was growing, we saw staggering rates of production and consumption. According to the chart, India (a known developing country) and China are now starting to produce and use steel at alarming rates. China's rate of production...

Manufacturers Urge Senators to Support McConnell Amendment to Restrain EPA

Washington, DC, 03/16/11 -  National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Senior Vice President for Policy and Government Relations Aric Newhouse issued the following statement today on Senate Minority Leader McConnell’s (R-KY) amendment to the Small Business Bill:   “Manufacturers continue to believe the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ove regulation of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) on stationary sources will put high -paying manufacturing jobs at risk and prevent further economic recovery. We urge senators to pass this important amendment to prevent continued uncertainty, likely job losses, rising energy prices and additional administrative costs on manufacturers. Manufacturers support a comprehensive federal climate policy within a framework that will...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Recovery- Our Success Is In Our Hands

This graph is pretty clear.PMPA's Index of Sales of Precision Machined Products in February 2011 was 110, staying even with the adjusted value for January 2011. (January had been reported at 111.) February's index of 110 remains at its highest level in the thirty-two months since June 2008. Additional data in the February report indicated the industry is recovering nicely, and outlook is positive. The February 2011 sales level was equal to the February 2008 level prior to the Economic Recession. This strong showing of industry sales is a clear signal that we need to adjust from our recessionary mode "hunker down" management style to a recovery mode "aggressively manage risk" methodology if we are to take full advantage of the markets today. More than ever before, the keys...

Three Criteria for Selecting Bar Steels

Three primary criteria for selecting bar steels are  1) suitability for end use, 2) suitability for manufacturing process, 3) economical delivery of the requirements.Suitability for end use includes appropriate mechanical properties, physical properties and chemical compatibility. Mechanical properties can include hardness, tensile and yield strength, ductility as measured by % elongation or % reduction in area, and / or impact properties. Mechanical properties can be achieved by chemical composition, cold work, or heat treatment. Note: properties need to match the environmental conditions of the intended end use…  Physical properties that are often considered include magnetic properties for solenoid, actuator, or electronic applications. Process path...

Manufacturers Urge Senators to Support McConnell Amendment to Restrain EPA

Washington, DC, 03/16/11 -  National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Senior Vice President for Policy and Government Relations Aric Newhouse issued the following statement today on Senate Minority Leader McConnell’s (R-KY) amendment to the Small Business Bill:   “Manufacturers continue to believe the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) overregulation of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) on stationary sources will put high -paying manufacturing jobs at risk and prevent further economic recovery. We urge senators to pass this important amendment to prevent continued uncertainty, likely job losses, rising energy prices and additional administrative costs on manufacturers. Manufacturers support a comprehensive federal climate policy within a framework that will...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Our First Post

We're glad to finally join the blogging community, but we have some major changes to make to really get things start...

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